BIB 2021 runs from 15 October 2021 to 28th of February 2022 in the premises of Historical Museum SNM at Bratislava Castle. The main organizer of the event is BIBIANA, the international house of art for children in Bratislava. The biennial takes place under the auspices of UNESCO and the International Board of Books for Young People (IBBY) with support of the Ministry of Culture of Slovak Republic. BIB 2021 presents the work of 380 illustrators from 42 countries who submitted more than 2,700 illustrations and nearly 500 books.
I'm honoured to have a few of my illustrations from An Féileacán agus an Rí included, which is written by Máire Zepf and published by Futa Fata.

Illustrations from The Pooka Party were also included in the Bratislava Illustration Biennial 2019 from 25th October-6th January 2020. (Paula McGloin's work on the right)

Illustrations from The Moon Spun Round were included in the exhibition at the Bratislava Illustration Biennial 2017-18, alongside 11 other Irish based illustrators (P. J Lynch's work on the far right).